Google will this week overhaul the way its search engine recommends websites on mobiles, an algorithmic shift that is likely to penalise many sites, including those of Microsoft and the European本周将改动其搜索引擎在移动设备上对网站展开名列的方式,这一算法上的调整可能会让很多网站受到惩罚,还包括微软公司(Microsoft)和欧盟(EU)的网站。The world’s most popular search engine will on Tuesday start updating its secret formula for ranking sites to favour those are “mobile friendly”, while demoting sites that fail to meet its criteria.谷歌是全球覆盖范围最广的搜索引擎,其将从周二开始改动其搜寻名列的算法,新的算法将注目那些“移动友好关系”网站,同时那些没能符合标准的网站的名列将经常出现下降。
Experts in search engine optimisation have dubbed the shift “Mobilegeddon”, predicting that companies unprepared for the change will suffer heavily as a result.搜索引擎优化专家将此次改动称作“移动友好关系”,他们预测,没对此次改动作好打算的企业将受到严重影响。In an ironic twist, the EU, whose antitrust chief this week accused Google of illegally using its dominance in online search, is one of those likely to be penalised by the changes.具备嘲讽意味的是,欧盟将沦为有可能被谷歌新的算法惩罚的对象之一。欧盟反垄断部门本周曾指控谷歌非法利用其在在线搜寻领域的主导地位。
An online test provided by Google shows that the EU’s Europa website is “not mobile-friendly”. It contains text that is “too small to read”, links that are “too close together”, and content that is wider than the screen.谷歌获取的一次在线测试表明,欧盟的Europa网站“对移动不友好关系”。该网站文字“太小容易读者”,链接“靠的过于将近”,内容宽度多达手机屏幕。According to research compiled by Somo, a mobile marketing agency, some of the world’s largest companies will be punished by Google under the new algorithm. These include fashion brands such as Versace , technology sites such as Microsoft ’s Windows Phone, and financial services companies such as Legal and General .根据移动营销机构Somo的研究,在新的算法下,全球一些仅次于企业将受到的惩罚。
还包括范思哲(Versace)等时装品牌、微软公司Windows Phone等科技网站以及Legal and General等金融服务公司。