Chinese technology firm Xiaomi has become the world’s second largest wearables manufacturer in less than a year, data shows。数据指出,中国小米公司用了将近一年的时间沦为全球第二大可穿着智能设备制造商。Xiaomi’s recently released fitness tracker the Mi Band, launched in the second half of 2014, sold 2.8m copies in the first quarter of 2015, data from research firm IDC showed. Xiaomi accounted for 24.6% of the wearables market, making it second only to Fitbit’s 3.9m devices sold and 34.2% of the market。据IDC的数据报告表明,于2014年下半年面市的小米手环在2015年第一季度销售量约280万,占到可穿着设备市场份额24.6%,次于Fitbit,后者以390万的销售量占据34.2%的市场份额。
Garmin placed third behind Xiaomi with 700,000 devices, Samsung fourth with 600,000 and high-profile fitness tracker maker Jawbone came fifth with just 500,000 devices。Garmin以70万部分列在第三,三星以60万部位列第四,而知名度低的身体健康追踪器生厂商Jawbone仅有以50万的销售量不敌第五。Only 11.4m wearable devices – a category that includes fitness trackers and smartwatches – were sold globally in the first quarter of the year, but that marked a 200% increase year-on-year from 3.8m in the first quarter of 2014.2015年第一季度可穿着智能设备(还包括身体健康追踪器与智能手表)共计售出1140万,相比于2014年第一季度380万的销售量快速增长了200%。Xiaomi’s success over the last few quarters was primarily driven by sales within its home market of China, where it found success with smartphones. Its Mi Band, headphones and rechargeable battery packs recently went on sale outside of China in the UK, US and parts of Europe. Its smartphones have yet to expand beyond China and a few select developing market。
小米在前面几个季度的顺利主要来自国内的市场、智能手机的销售很顺利。小米手环、耳机和可充电池最近已开始销往英美和部分欧洲国家。其智能手机也开始扩展到了中国以外的市场。‘Price erosion has been quite drastic’“价格风化很白热化”The Mi Band significantly undercut the market leader Fitbit on price, costing under 20. But the big change from a year ago has been the introduction of devices such as the Jawbone Up Move and Misfit Flash costing 40 with similar capabilities to those costing more than 100.小米手环高于20欧的售价大大高于行业头把交椅Fitbit。
但去年以来市场仅次于的变化是经常出现了Jawbone Up Move和Misfit Flash这些售价仅有40欧但功能可相媲美100多欧的设备。“As with any young market, price erosion has been quite drastic,” said Jitesh Ubrani from IDC. “We now see over 40% of the devices priced under $100, and that’s one reason why the top five vendors have been able to grow their dominance from two-thirds of the market in the first quarter of last year to three quarters this quarter。
”“对于任何新兴市场,价格风化都是极为白热化的。”IDC的Jitesh Ubrani评论道,“目前有40%的穿着设备价格高于100欧,这也是前五位销售厂家需要把同期市场占有率从2/3提高到3/4的原因之一。
”What these numbers do not take into account is sales of the Apple Watch。而这些数据并没把苹果智能手表Apple Watch还包括进来。Analysts expect that Apple managed to sell in the region of 5 to 10m Watches in the second quarter of this year, with estimates putting total Watch sales for the year in the region of 30m. That would make Apple the top wearable manufacturer。分析师估算Apple Watch2015年第二季度的销量将在500万至1000万,而全球所有智能手表的销量将为3000万。
这也指出苹果将沦为领头羊。Apple’s Watch is the highest priced smartwatch from a major manufacturer currently available, and will test willingness of consumers to pay a premium for wearable technology。Apple Watch是目前价格最低的智能手表,其也将测试出有消费者们在可穿着设备上究竟不愿投放多少。
The wearable market is highly likely to become polarised in the next year between the cheaper, sub-40 market lead by Xiaomi and others, and the premium 300-plus market with Apple Watch as its poster child。未来的市场近于有可能由小米等售价高于40欧的厂商和低于300欧的Apple Watch包含。